Monday, April 23, 2012

some random musings instead of doing productive things.

Saturday while working diligently at GH (aka Great Harvest) I got a piece of lettuce in my left eye. Yes, a legitimate piece of lettuce, albeit rather small. And it stung quite bad. And I think the other girls I was working with thought I had gone slightly crazy, because they couldn't decipher how a piece of lettuce would end up in my eye.

Today I found myself getting super frustrated at work. I think I almost made a child cry when I demanded if he wanted his free slice of bread. I used my extra high Great Harvest voice-the voice that sounds nice and friendly but is really underlying with Cruella de Vil evilness. He didn't stay in the store for that long. Especially since he was close the the trashcan that I gently kicked out of my way but really skirted 4 feet across the floor. I wonder if he will return for a second free slice. 

Draw Something and Scramble with Friends totally stress me out. I can never keep up on my games. Last night I finally caught up and now I am behind again. I just want some closure. The struggle is I enjoy them. I just sort of fail at them.

I rode my bike to work today. It was a great decision until the sky turned all gray and it started to smell like rain. Good thing Brandon followed me all the way home just in case I needed to be rescued from a very unwelcome rainstorm.

By the way, did you even know that we got ridiculously legitimate bikes a few weeks ago? I bet not. Brandon and I love our new bikes. All graduation funds went to support this endeavor. Thank you contributors who unknowingly supported our healthy lifestyle change.
Look at those beauties.
I am patiently waiting for Brandon to return home. Since we both worked and Brandon had a meeting tonight I haven't really been able to see him. Good thing I have a plethora of photographs that I can look at that help me not miss him quite as much. But, I hope he returns home soon.

Just one of many cute photos I have of brandon.
I better end my musings for the night. I know you're probably still wondering how that piece of lettuce got in my eye, but it will do you some good to ponder about it. Ha, have a wonderful evening!

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