Sunday, March 25, 2012

Baby time.

Now don't be fooled. This is not an announcement. Actually this post represents a grand time we had on Saturday. Seriously, a very grand time. I had the opportunity to host a baby blast (a.k.a. a baby shower) for the lovely Lauren Woolley. She is having a precious little girl in just a few weeks, which you'd never guess because she's so tiny! 

The couple short hours on Saturday were filled with lots of giggling and some serious questions about when babies tear ducts develop. And because I know you're wondering it's not right when they are born, who would have known. I can say I did get that one right on the quiz, anyways...

I thought I would share a few pictures from this monumental event. As you might see the true crafty in me was let loose. I simply could not help it. I blame pinterest. And, I thank Brandon for humoring me, as always.
You might remember my picture wall, well it was revamped into baby galore. 

We had some great baby related quotes.

See, more great baby inspiring goodness. Also can I say I love The Help. Love it. Read it
We slightly gorged.
I got this idea from pinterest, aren't they simply darling!

We justified our gorging with fruit...dipped in marshmallow cream, cream cheese goodness.
And, I must thank Our Best Bites, they aided in providing these fail proof recipes.
This picture doesn't do the banner justice. Really, that took more time than it looks.
Everyone received a hand sanitizer. I am an advocate of reducing the spread of the common cold.
My wonderful and gorgeous husband spray painted these for me, and possibly hours before the shower began.
My super talented designer friend Alyssa created these for the shower. They turned out great!
Most everyone who was there. See what I mean by her cute little belly!
Candid shot.
Hanging out.
And more hanging out.
You've seen the evidence. It was one heck of a party. And I promise I was there, I was just behind the camera. But really, it was so much fun. So so much. Thanks Lauren for having a baby and letting us celebrate! 


  1. You fooled me! I wish you were having a baby for real haha, but it looks like you did an awesome job with the shower. I love how you gave everyone hand sanitizer. Everyone thinks I'm crazy that I make them sanitize their hands before they hold him, but who wants a sick baby?!

  2. I know I did that to trick people into reading my blog..haha. I think that is a great idea! I mean, you don't know where their hands have been!!
